One of the best things any of us can do is take better care of ourselves. In our crazy, hectic, fast-paced life, it can become challenging to take the time to properly care for ourselves in mind, body, and spirit. Learn to make self-care a priority. When you are full, everyone in your life benefits. Here are my 5 simple and easy go to’s when I need relief:
1. Guided Meditation 
Lock yourself up and away from the world. Put your earplugs in and go on a journey. Guaranteed to make you feel more relaxed and refreshed to tackle what’s next.
2. Deep Breathing
Yep, that simple. Sit up nice and straight in your chair. Close your eyes, place one hand over your belly and one hand over your heart. Take some long, deep, slow breaths in and out through your nose – about 3 minutes of this will completely reset your nervous system. You will feel both calm and energized!
3. Take a Walk
Get out and take a brisk 10-minute walk. Take in the nature around you, feel the air, swing your arms. The outdoors will leave you feeling refreshed and grounded.
4. Take a Bath
A hot bath with some sea salt or Epsom salts, 5-10 drops of lavender oil to relax you…….. light a candle…………instant luxury!!
Blast your favorite song and dance like a maniac…….I love this one!!! Dancing completely releases tension and you will feel so free after you bust a move!!
I’m not asking you to find hours………try just a few minutes a day to begin. You’ll get the hang of it, crave more and in short order will feel how much of a difference it makes. Here’s to your self-care!