Holistic Health & Wellness Through Self-Empowerment

Tina Walsh, founder of Lighten-up Wellness, has been inspiring hearts and souls to grow and evolve into the best version of themselves. Tina’s gift and intuition guides you through the profound change. You’ll identify, make sense, own, release, transform, change behavioral patterns, and create mindfulness to move forward towards the greatest potential of your best SELF.

Tina believes all healing starts with Self. When we address and heal our own blocks, belief systems and fears, we begin to know and understand our internal terrain. For over two decades, Tina has been studying and teaching mind/body modalities including Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Intuitive Development, Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Chakra Tending, Massage Therapy and Ritual Food Celebrations.

Tina is passionate about sharing this work because it has provided her with core healing in her own life. Tina is a Mama to three grown children who are her best teachers! Tina has learned through personal experience, struggles and extensive training that when we effect positive, lasting change in our lives, we can manifest our hopes and dreams.

Tina brings her depth, humor and heart into her work ~ empowering people to step into a more meaningful, joyful life!

“The 18 page downloadable CHAKRA guide”

Let me explain a little about what a Chakra actually is… The Chakra system originated in India several thousand years ago. It came to the West from the East through the practice and tradition of yoga.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word which translates to wheel or disk. It refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through and to the crown of the head. These invisible wheels are swirling with energy where matter and consciousness meet.

The invisible energy is Prana, vital life force energy which keeps us healthy, vibrant and alive. Chakras are subtle elements of the body; when working in harmony, circulate divine energy and regulate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. We will explore where each chakra is located in the body and what issues each governs.

If you would like a reference on the Chakras, please download my free e-book, Demystifying Chakras.

Are You Ready to Reconnect With Self?

Contact Tina!

Call 508-208-8037

Email tina@lighten-upwellness.com

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My Goal is to help you heal from and cope with the inevitable struggles that we all face – whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. I’m so glad you’re here. Please look around to explore the many ways we might work together.  ~ Tina Walsh
